When you think of Rome the first thing that comes to mind is its architecture, and second, the fountains. With centuries of history and artistry, the Roman fountains are some of the most beautiful and photographed structures in the city. You really should take the time to check out the most famous fountains in Rome, Italy.

10 Most Famous Fountains in Rome Italy

1. Trevi Fountain
The Trevi Fountain is one of the most iconic landmarks in Rome.
The fountain dates back to 1762 & it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city.
Its name comes from the Latin word Trivium which means three roads because it sits on the intersection of three streets.
Legend has it that if you throw a coin into the fountain, you will be guaranteed a return trip to Rome.

2. Fontana del Moro
Located in Piazza Navona, this fountain features Neptune, standing in a conch shell, taming a dolphin, and surrounded by four Tritons (messengers of the sea).
It was constructed in the mid-16th century and originally didn’t have Neptune. It was added later by Bernini.
The one you see in the square is actually a replica. The real one is in the Borghese gallery.

3. Fontana di Nettuno
Otherwise known as Neptune’s Fountain), Fontana di Nettuno is also in Piazza Navona.
The base of this statue was built by the same person who created Fontana del Moro.
The centerpiece is Neptune, the god of the sea, who does battle with a giant octopus. This feature was designed by Gregorio Zappalà and Antonio della Bitta & added 300 years after the fountain base was constructed.
It is filled with detailed symbology including the coat of arms for the Barberini family.

4. Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi
The Fontana del Quattro Fiumi ( translates to Fountain of the Four Rivers) is the 3rd fountain located in Piazza Navona.
It features four figures representing the major rivers of the continents where Christianity had spread: the Nile, Danube, Ganges, and Rio de la Plata.

5. Fountain of the Naiads
The bronze Fountain of the Naiads was created by the architect Alessandro Guerrieri and sits on the site of a previous fountain that was originally constructed in an effort to display water from Rome’s Acqua Pia Antica Marcia.
The fountain of the Naiads features Glaucus, a mortal fisherman-turned-sea-god, wrestling with a dolphin surrounded by four water nymphs. symbolizing the dominance of mankind over natural forces.

6. Fontana del Tritone
Bernini’s first attempt at a free-standing fountain, this one was built to celebrate the Barberini Family to which Pope Urban VIII belonged.
In the fountain, the Greek sea god Triton blows into a conch that sends a foamy column of water into the sky above.

7. Fontana della Tartarughe
This is one of the few famous fountains in Rome that wasn’t built for a Pope, but for a private citizen.
When originally designed in 1581, it had a single bowl held up by four young men who are standing on the heads of dolphins. The water spouted upward and then fell into a basin below.
Nearly 75 years later, during a restoration process, Pope Alexander VII had Bernini design turtles to go around the edge of the bowl.
You can find this fountain in Piazza Mattei.

8. Fontana dei Libri
Located between the Pantheon and Piazza Navona, the Fountain of the Books.
This fountain, built in 1927, features books on either side of the head of a deer. Two bookmarks serve as spouts for the fountain.
The Roman fountain symbolizes the idea that knowledge continuously flows from books.

9. Fontana dell’Acqua Paola
Commissioned by Pope Paul V of the Borghese family around 1612, this marble fountain was actually constructed from marble buildings formerly in the Forum, and four of the six columns are made from pink stone that came from the facade of the old St Peter’s Basilica.
This fountain is located on Via Garibaldi atop Janiculum Hill, which will give you a beautiful view of Rome below.

10. Fontana dell’Acqua Felice
Also known as Moses Fountain, this Roman fountain is dedicated to Sixtus V who was the first since antiquity to construct an aqueduct.
Three arches showcase the central statue of Moses. Reliefs depicting Biblical Old Testament stories of water, flank the statue.
The fountain can be found in Piazza di S. Bernardo, in the center of Rome.

Part of what makes visiting Rome so much fun is exploring the beautiful streets and squares. We hope that you will take your time to see at least some of these most famous fountains in Rome.